Language and Language Teaching (LLT)
Call For Papers
Language and Language Teaching (LLT) is a peer-reviewed (UGC CARE Listed) journal published biannually in English in January and July. It focuses on the theory and practice of language learning and teaching in multilingual contexts. The articles may focus on the learner, teacher, materials, teaching methods, teacher training, learning environment, evaluation, or policy issues.
LTT invites articles that have not been submitted elsewhere. Copies of letters granting permission to reproduce illustrations, tables, or lengthy quoted passages should be included along with the manuscript. Copyright for the individual contribution rests with the individual contributor. However, LLT should be acknowledged as the original source of publication in a subsequent publication. LLT retains the right to republish any of the contributions in its future publications or make them available in any electronic form for the benefit of its readers or subscribers.
The upper word limit (including the abstract, keywords, references, and a short bio-note) for each contribution is as below:
- Long articles: 3500-4000
- Short articles: 1500-2000
- Interview: 2500-3500
- Landmark: 3500-5000
- Book review:1000-1500
- Reports:1000-1500
- Language Activities: 1000-1200
The bio-note should not exceed 30 words.
Papers must be submitted as a Word document in MS Office 7. If any special fonts are used, the paper must be accompanied by the special fonts. Only black and white images are printed. Please send jpeg files only for them.
Articles should follow the APA stylesheet (7th edition) in format, citations, and bibliography. The contributor should declare that the paper is original and does not violate the copyright law and has not been published elsewhere before.
Last date for the submission of articles, book reviews, Language activities and reports: January Issue: August 01; July Issue: February 01.
The contributions should be submitted online to the following email IDs:;;