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Issue 26

Language and Language Teaching

Volume 13 Number 1 Issue 26 July 2024



LLT Cover

Integrating ChatGPT in the Language Classroom to Foster Learners’ Engagement in Writing Tasks7
Tannistha Dasgupta & Renuprasad Patki

Role of Digital Media in Developing English-Speaking Skills of Primary Students in Nagaland22
Kethokhrienuo Belho

Music Oriented Language Learning Technique in Second Language Classrooms34
Karthika S.B.

Processing of Transparent and Opaque Derivational Words by Dyslexic Learners in ESL Context40
Kankan Das & Madhavi Gayathri Raman

Designing Language Tasks for Sustainability53
Vijaya & Madhavi Gayathri Raman

Summary Writing: Part III65
Yasmeen Lukmani

NEP 2020: Significance of Mother Tongue as the Medium of Learning73
Chandrashekhar Bobade & Ganesh Choudhari

No English, Please! Growing Apathy Towards English Among Learners at Tertiary Level84
Digambar M. Ghodke & Ravindra B. Tasildar

Dialectical Issues of Khandeshi Tribal Students in English Language Learning98
Manisha Patil, Sujata Srivastava & Vaibhav Jadhav

Introducing Post-Method Strategies as an Innovative Approach in English Language Teaching: A Pedagogical Shift113
Dhara Rao & Shemal Mevada

Gamification in English Language Teaching: A Novel Approach to Enhance Engagement and Learning Outcomes121
Kinjal Bhatia

Creating the Right Environment for Teaching English as a Second Language133
Ankita Swetaparna

The Role of Teacher in Psycho-Muscular Learning: A Study of Online Classes During Covid-19139
U. Anamica

In Conversation with James Cummins150
Shiti Malhotra

Reflections in the Rear-View Mirror: Lessons from a Lifetime of Teaching157
Promodini Varma

Tech Startup Simulation164
Menda Yogeswari & Solomon Benny Nadigotla

Book Reviews
Engaging Language Learners in Contemporary Classrooms168
Reviewed by Jasir P.P.

AI and the Future of Education174
Reviewed by Haritha Das

Artificial Intelligence for Teaching and Language Learning175
Aishwarya A.